Second Chance
Discover Your Second Chance!
All items in our Second Chance catalog are in perfect working order and scratch-free but no longer featured in our regular collection. This is your opportunity to own a Crosley record player at a special price! Don’t miss out— let these retro treasures bring timeless tunes into your home.
17 prodotti
- C62 Giradischi Bluetooth con altoparlanti esterni - C62B-WA4 | NoceEsauritoC62 Giradischi Bluetooth con altoparlanti esterni - C62B-WA4 | Noce€200,00€200,00
€295,00Prezzo unitario / per - Crosley Cruiser Plus x K3 giradischi | TurcheseOffertaCrosley Cruiser Plus x K3 giradischi | Turchese€50,00€50,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth 2 vie Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-MT | MentaEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth 2 vie Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-MT | Menta€65,00€65,00
€90,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth 2 vie Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-SG | ArdesiaEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth 2 vie Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-SG | Ardesia€65,00€65,00
€90,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth 2 vie Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-TU | TurcheseEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth 2 vie Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-TU | Turchese€65,00€65,00
€90,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-OS4 - StruzzoEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth Cruiser Plus - CR8005F-OS4 - Struzzo€65,00€65,00
€90,00Prezzo unitario / per - Lettore CD Metro - CR3502A-BK | NeroEsauritoLettore CD Metro - CR3502A-BK | Nero€120,00€120,00
€150,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth Portfolio - CR6252A-BK | NeroEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth Portfolio - CR6252A-BK | Nero€100,00€100,00
€145,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth Portfolio - CR6252A-TN | TormalinaEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth Portfolio - CR6252A-TN | Tormalina€100,00€100,00
€145,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth Portfolio - CR6252A-BK | NeroEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth Portfolio - CR6252A-BK | Nero€100,00€100,00
€145,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth Retrospect out - CR6254A-BK4 | NeroEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth Retrospect out - CR6254A-BK4 | Nero€100,00€100,00
€180,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-BK | NeroEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-BK | Nero€80,00€80,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-BR4 | Coccodrillo MarroneEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-BR4 | Coccodrillo Marrone€80,00€80,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-BUR | BorgognaEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-BUR | Borgogna€80,00€80,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth a due vie Voyager 2 - CR8017B-GY | GrigioEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth a due vie Voyager 2 - CR8017B-GY | Grigio€80,00€80,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-SA | SageEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-SA | Sage€80,00€80,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per - Giradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-WB | Blu LavatoEsauritoGiradischi Bluetooth a 2 vie Voyager - CR8017B-WB | Blu Lavato€80,00€80,00
€100,00Prezzo unitario / per