Collecting records is a lot of fun! Did your collector’s bug get the best of you this winter? All those new records can look messy and cause uneasiness. In times like these, you don’t need that. After all, it’s a new season. Time for a fresh start!
We got in touch with a lot of you record enthusiasts through Instagram and it’s great to see how the record community is growing. A few months ago we got in touch with Anne, a student from Porsgrunn Norway, who shares her still growing record collection via her account ‘Needle Dust’. We at Crosley were curious, what drives a young student to collect records?
Naoual is our graphic design intern and at 18 years old she started her own record collection not too long ago. Check out what she has in common with her grandmother and which album covers she likes.
At Vinyl Culture we talk to people who, first of all, love analog music and are part of the process of making a record. We start off with Nick Helderman. A photographer with a big love for vinyl and he talks us through how a record cover is created.
Tyler (the multi talented) Creator, makes music, runs a fashion label and even creates his own album artwork. Alongside his own album cover design, Tyler always asks another visual artist to make the deluxe version of a release. You can find out in this blog who these artists are!
We will celebrate this summer without any festivals to look forward to. Thankfully a lot of bands are still releasing their albums and let us enjoy the great summer vibes in our own backyard or balcony. We made a list of bands that just released or will be releasing a new album and give you those festival vibes on your record player.